Overreacting about Boyle heights for a white guy?

Hey so a few days ago I posted on here saying I was moving to LA for law school which I’ve since taken down cz I thought I got the answers I needed. Anyways, I really liked Boyle heights and found some pretty good places there however I received so many messages saying I shouldn’t live there considering my racial background (half white half Mexican but look mostly just white) .

Tbh I didn’t think much of it because I would love to be a bigger part of the Mexican community and I find more gentrified areas really boring but when multiple ppl are telling me ohhh ur gunna stick out , not be liked etc etc I’m like damn is this fr or are people just projecting? If it is unsafe at all it might help that I’m a 6”4 dude and have good street smarts but just looking for feedback if it’s really that bad or people are just overreacting