BMO stadium - outside food or drink & parking?
hello everyone,
i will be attending the korn show at BMO stadium this weekend. the event starts at 3 pm and i will be coming from orange county, so i'm hoping to get there early and try to find offsite parking for cheaper. any parking spots nearby BMO that are NOT $50+? (please do not suggest metro, i am looking for parking info specifically.)
also, i'm wondering what the policy is for outside food/drinks/snacks. i am guessing i can't bring in open fast food into the stadium, but are snacks okay? i was planning on packing myself a sandwich or two and putting some cookies/chips/something else in some ziploc bags since they ask for clear bags, unless it's better to bring it sealed. i saw that only sealed water bottles are allowed as far as beverages so i will be bringing one of those. i just honestly don't want to spend a fuck ton of money on food in the stadium that i'm not even sure if it's worth the money or not. if it comes down to it and there is no way around it, i will just get food in the stadium since i'm going to be there all day. i just want to see if there's any possible alternatives. thank you guys for your help!