Calling someone who is not on your policy.

So Long story short my dad and I don't get along. I'm 25 female ans I've lived on my own since I was 17. He was very abusive mentally and physically. We lived in a small town but about a 2 months ago I moved 2 hours away. We share the same car insurance company but we are not and never have been on the same policy. I've been called everyday for the past month about getting life insurance through them, I even drove down there to the office to tell them I had life insurance through different company and if I wanted to get life insurance through them I would follow up. Thinking that would be a nice way of saying 'leave me alone'. Sunday I get a long text from my father whom I don't speak to but only about my mother (she had a brain development issue when she was younger so she can't live alone and even though I told her i would pay for her divorce she insists on staying with my dad) about how he's done so much for me, and basically trying to send me down some guilt trip that he's a saint and I need to give him respect more. He told me that my insurance company has been calling him about getting my life insurance, even though he is not and never has been ever on my policy. He knows the people of the insurance company and since people don't see what goes on behind doors, they probably thought it would be a good idea to start talking him about it?? Idk but it just pisses me off that my insurance policy that don't have anyone on there, but me, and never has had anyone on there but me, decided to call someone who they know is a relative. Is there anything I can do about it? Like is there some type of HIPPA law or something for things specifically like this?

Edit: my dad is a diagnosed bi-polar schizophrenic, who sometimes just stops taking his medication and lashes out at people for no reason. But then cried the 'I'm mentally ill I can't help the way I am.' Crap. I've know. My dad for 25 years and I know husband tactics by now so this isn't anyway like dismissing people with those issues. I also have been diagnosed with being bi-polar, but I also try my best to treat it because I'm scared if I don't I'll turn out like him.