Why do I feel lost at 20?
Hi guys, sorry this might be a long post. I recently just turned 20 and I already feel lost In life tbh. Currently I have no job, no college, and not many friends, I don’t go out often. I just feel kinda worthless and unsure what to do. I was working in a job for the past 3 years since I was 17 and really enjoyed it. The job was mainly seasonal from Easter to Christmas so in between while not working I was in college which was grand. Although after this Christmas when I stopped working again, I also dropped out of college for personal reasons. Since Christmas I’ve applied for nearly every job relevant to me on indeed and online, even asked places in person, and no luck. I wanted the independence to try and start a new job as I got too comfortable in my old one, but after many rejected applications, I messaged my manager and asked if I can come back for this season, to which they said no as I was too late. That’s a fair enough reason but it would’ve really helped me out as I’m struggling right now. At the moment I just feel kind of worthless and at my wits end, I feel like I have no social life. I don’t know how it went downhill so quick. I know I might sound dramatic but has anyone any recommendations or has anyone felt this way before? Thanks :)