i dont get marriage

i dont get marriage or stay virgin till marriage.like how can saying a few lines make such a change.in india relationships are looked down upon but ur parent can attach u to a random men when u get older and its normal bcz u said a few lines. having sex before marriage in a relationship is bad but the second u say a few lines not having sex is bad. if u stay with a man for money or like have a sugar daddy u r a prostitute and r looked down upon but the second u say a few words ,u r a housewife and its celebrated.like marriage is like a relationship but it is difficult to leave it and u hv said a few vows .that is the only diff. so i dont get it. so why is staying together without marrying so wrong. isnt not marrying actually beneficial bcz u can leave when something gets bad without it being made a big deal

this is my opinion .i would love if u can explain how it is wrong