To all the creeps lurking here..
Shame on you!Shame on your entire existence! Shame on your upbringing!You’re a disgrace.
Recently there was a post here regarding if we crave intimacy without s*x and I had commented on that post.Now I have specifically mentioned on my profile that I don’t entertain conversations regarding dating,relationships,casual etc with anyone.It is mentioned clearly on my profile yet this creep found out my profile and DM’d me explaining in graphic details how he can give me intimacy and he can be discreet as well.Do these people think they’re so charming that they can convince someone who absolutely doesn’t want these things?Or it’s because a woman’s ‘No’ is a ‘Yes’ according to the weirdos?If a woman isn’t within physical range to harass her,let’s harass her,violate her on the net.
Now please don’t come at me saying you should close your DMs. I have kept them open because I enjoy chatting with some incredible women I have met here on Reddit and I like talking to people if it doesn’t come with hidden agendas.