Why do I keep attracting Punjabi women with a psychology degree? Am I a type?

So ever since I moved to Delhi, all the women I've talked with, have been...Punjabi(?) The saddest part is that it didn't go anywhere with any of them. We'd spend a few months talking and then all of a sudden they'd say they're not ready for a relationship.

But failed situationships aside, there seems to be a pattern in the kind of women I attract. All of them were punjabi women from South delhi. The South delhi part is still understandable because that's where I live but do punjabi women have a type? There were a few other common patterns though - they were all older than me, all of them were psychologists and a lot of them were on anti-deptessants or some other medication. Or are Punjabi women just more socially empowered than other women to approach a guy in public?

Do Punjabi women have a type? I'm not Punjabi but I could pass as punjabi/pakistani appearance-wise.