Sibling growing bitter and jealous with time

My elder sister and I have never had a great connection or whatsoever. It has almost always been rough except for a very few instances. She believes that I got the best all the time and she was never cared for.

Now, she has been married for so many years. Her marriage happened very young and she didn't have the luxury to sort her career. It's very recently that she has landed something nice and is still a beginner in her industry where other beginners are 10-12 years younger than her. Whereas, I had the opportunity to work and now have an amazing career set, making a considerable about of money.

She has always been bitter about my job and would make snarky comments about how I am showing an attitude because I have a job. Or she would come at me for not getting married soon. She also pressurizes my mom to get me married, which is causing a lot of issues between me and my mom.

Now, everytime something small happens like I snap at her, or don't follow what she says, she has started throwing a huge fit, recalling every Lil instance from the past, crying and making a whole drama. I can't even call her out on this, or she will create a bigger scene and it makes me very awkward because my brother in law is also around.

I am currently home for vacation, it's just been 2 days but it's unbearable. Need tips to deal with this behaviour.