Would you feel creeped out if a woman you've never talked to did this?

I'm (21F) in college and there's a guy I see every day (around 23-24 years old I'm not sure). We've made eye contact several times which most likely means absolutely nothing, but I have never ever talked to him.

I know the normal thing to do is say hi and strike up a conversation and see where that goes, but I'm NOT normal, I'm introverted as fuck (crippling social anxiety) and I barely talk to people I know, let alone some stranger. So speaking to him is out of the question.

I tried to let this go but I can't get him out of my head. I want to tell him how I feel just so it gets out of my system and I can carry on with my life-- I don't really expect anything more to happen. So I was thinking (and here's the stupid / potentially creepy part) of writing him a note saying that I find him cute, and also assuring him that I do not expect any response or reaction and don't intend to make him feel uncomfortable. I want to go up to him and hand him the note in person.

I'm aware this is pretty childish, but I'm more concerned about potentially making him feel uncomfortable / harassed. That's not my intention at all and the possibility is making me hesitant to go ahead with it. So I'm not sure what to do.

TL;DR-- have a crush on a guy I've never talked to, want to tell him he's cute but too shy to say so. Thinking of giving him a note but don't want to make him feel uncomfortable.