Do you think the 80% Attendance Criteria is Bullshit?
In my college, the college wants us to have a fricking 80% attendance. If it is below 75% they would not even allow us to sit in exams. Let's come to the main issues. The professors here mostly don't take classes and don't even tell us the day before that they would not take classes. A semester is about 6 months. And out of 6 months, 4 months college is open. In the whole 4 months, only about 20-25 classes are taken by the professors which are also shit. Then on this 20-25 days our attendance is calculated. The college starts at 9 am till 5 pm... So we don't know which day class would be taken and we are forced to go to college everyday and wait till at least 3 pm hoping that professors take classes. And most of the time classes are not even taken. And in this way whole 4 months gets wasted. I have been maintaining 9+ CGPA just by studying myself. Doing every practical myself learning from the internet and all cause our professors do not even teach us a thing. So, that 80% criteria is bullshit because the college is not teaching us a shit and still forced to go there. Instead we could have used those 4 months to do atleast something better instead of going to that shit place everyday in hope of fulfilling the attendance criteria.