[atul murder] People who are happily married, What are some green flags to look for in a women, when looking to marry ?

Also are these green flags ?

- Does regular meditation . Knows and practices mindfulness
- Has a good routine - early to bed, sleeps well.
- Into charity, NGOs
- Takes care of diet + yoga.

I generally admire above qualities , but am wondering if it would be a mistake to consider them green flags ?

Edit: People, I am looking for sign and things to lookout before one marries !

Edit: I should add - people with a solid sleep schedule , are going to be far less likely to be irritable or snappish. Plus they are also far less likely to develop mental health issues. When I see a fucked up person, I see a mental health issue. Similarly mindfulness - those who are truly mindful, they realize if they were rude or unreasonable. They brood less and actively try to be empathetic. I guess I am going for people who are more neuro-stable, self-aware and empathetic

About sleep: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5MuIMqhT8DM