Y'all really wanna have kids in this economy?

I’m not sure if everyone is aware, but school fees are becoming more expensive every year. Right now, good schools with top tier curriculums are charging from 1 lakh to 4 lakhs per year. And with the growing fascination of moving abroad for university, how are we going to manage to pay for it all? Especially considering the luxury lifestyles children are being exposed to through social media. Overpopulation will only increase the competition for spots in schools and universities, affecting the kids mental health.

On top of that, there's the financial pressure on parents. Are we really ready for this in the future? Couples with dual incomes might be able to afford it, but will they have the time and energy to spend with their kids? How will they be able to emotionally there for their children while also managing their work life stress? I think these kids are going to be raised by technology ( AI ) not parents.

Our 30s and 40s are gonna be stressful as fuck!!!