[23M] Why do people say money helps with dating? It just fucking doesn't?

So many friends of mine and online posts are telling me that money is supposed to help with dating. But my in experience (23M earning about $400k/year in London) it just doesn't fucking matter whatsoever. I'm having almost zero luck on Grindr, Tinder and other dating apps. I'm 175cm, 63kg, and work out 3 times a week and reasonably in good shape yet most of the guys hitting me up are grossly overweight or old enough to be my dad or grandpa (40+ or 60+). Am I just that much uglier than I thought? Is my baby face an issue? Is gay dating supposed to be this difficult in 2025? I can still hook up with guys I find attractive but I'm just feeling so fucking powerless; I have to wait for guys to message and typically this only happens once every two weeks on average. It's almost always pointless for me to message people first.

I go to the gym regularly but that doesn't seem to be making a huge difference. I'm reasonably in good shape (though I don't have a six pack yet).

I've come to terms with the fact that people in my "league" are just overweight/obese guys, significantly older or generally conventionally unattractive guys. And just to be clear, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. It's just not what I'm attracted to. I'm just wondering... is there a way I can attract guys closer to my age? I'm just feeling so fucking hopeless and miserable.

I've read posts mentioning personality but it's hard to believe that's even a factor when it seems like most guys won't even give me a chance to show my personality. Should I just get plastic surgery? Or is it just pointless as an East Asian guy? I've read that can be a disadvantage as well which doesn't help with my self confidence at all. If anyone has any advice or has been in this situation, please reach out. I'm feeling so hopeless.