Is it sexist not to want to date promiscuous women?

TLDR: After bad experiences with a promiscous ex, I know tend to avoid promiscous girls, does that make me a sexist?

Hi, Im a 23 year old man, living in europe if that would happen to be relevant.

So 1.5 years ago I was in a longer term relationship with a girl. One of the reasons why it ended (there was also others )was that i found out that some of the friends of hers that I knew, had had sex with her, before she met me.

I actually found out about it early in the relationship, and we stayed together for about a year after i found out, but for a long time, it was something that really nagged me. I constantly had this idea in my head that she had this wild and promiscuous youth, and now she was ready to settle down with me. I really really hated that idea, it made me feel like the boring stable, and reliable guy that she could settle down with, after living out all her promiscuity.

It didnt make it better that she ended up cheating on me with a ex, which honestly crushed me.

Nowadays, I'm dating around and ive noticed that it has become probably my biggest dealbreaker of them all if I find out that they have had a 'wilder' past. Just recently I dumped a girl because i found out she had had sex with a common friend.

I really dont want to shame anyone, and when i dumped that girl, I didnt tell her the actual reason, but made up another reason. I also have friends who are girls that are pretty promiscous, that doesnt bother me at all. I couldnt dream of speaking bad about it to them.

It's more when I myself am dating one, I just feel like i'm on the bad end of a joke, and that I wouldnt ever be able to build a good relationship with a girl with thtat kind of background.

Am I being a sexist? or is it fair for me to have this strange and specific hangup?

EDIT: the post is marked with recurrent_question, however, Im not able to find any question similar, I would like to get it linked if possible