I think I might have Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (pots)
So I’m a 23-year old woman, and I started to experience weird symptoms around October 2018( I was 17 at the time).
The first symptom that I noticed was that my heart rate would start to increase after I ate (especially if the meal was salty, sugary, or fried), then I started to experience blood sugar spikes anytime I ate in general ( but again I noticed that it was worse whenever I ate foods that were higher in fat, sugar or salt).
At first I thought that I might have diabetes, but anytime that I’ve been to the doctors office since my symptoms have started, they tell me that none of my tests indicate diabetes, which left me pretty confused for a while.
Another symptom that I noticed was that if I held my head down for a little bit ( like if I were taking notes) that I would feel slight pressure in my head, and sometimes I noticed that it kinda hurt to look down.
Then I started noticing that if I sat for a while that the back and top of my shoulder blades would start to hurt.
The last symptom that I started to notice was that there are times where I feel dizzy/off balance while walking
After my doctor told me that I didn’t have diabetes, I then started to research my symptoms, and the most popular answer was that I’m experiencing symptoms of POTS, meaning that for some reason, my body started having trouble with my blood volume.
Some days my symptoms are almost non existent, and on other days they’re a lot worse, but overall, I’ve been experiencing these chronic symptoms for over 6 years.
And just so everyone knows, currently I’m not taking any form of prescription pills. The only thing that I’ll occasionally take is midol for my menstrual cramps (which I’ve only started to take in the last year) , but besides that, I don’t take any medication, and I’ve never smoked or drank before.
I still want to go and see another doctor about my symptoms, but I’m slightly discouraged to do so, bc anytime I’ve tried to explain my symptoms to previous doctors, they either tell me that I need to “drink more water” or that I should try to be “less anxious”