Egpa? 🥴
Female.27 years old.
I'm very scared. I already feel depressed and hopeless as I go from doctor to doctor. I have been with high eusinophiles for a year. in 660 totals. My doctors tell me that this is not very high and that to think of something serious they have to be worse. The issue is that I have new allergies, the turbinates are very swollen, and I think I might have asthma. Although I didn't have very noticeable symptoms, in October I had "bronchitis" that gave me a lot of dry cough. The thing is that I started reading about EGPA and now my head thinks I have this. I feel that all the symptoms are similar but no doctor has paid attention to me until now. When I had a CT scan I showed bronchial inflammation and tree-shaped nodules in my lungs. I'm very afraid. I fear for my life and am thinking about dying from the depression I feel.