Could someone explain why deportation is good?

I’m a leftist and I’m trying to learn more about you guy’s policy desires and all that. I don’t know much about immigration honestly and its never been an issue I’ve cared about (I’m mostly focused on workers rights, keeping corporations at bay, ect). The only thing I know is that illegals commit less crime than citizens in america (,burglary%2C%20theft%2C%20and%20arson. )I wanted to know from everyone here why immigration is such a hot topic and why these deportations is a good thing for America. If someone wants to debunk that they commit less crime I’m curious about that as well. Thanks!


Great amount of answers. This wasn’t a gotcha at all, I really just wanted to have some good convos with you all about the topic and learn more. We gotta stop with the hatred for left and right and just converse with one another respectfully. I got love for everyone here and hope we can learn from one another and make the best decisions for our country together