What would I miss out on if I lived between WickerPark <> WestTown instead of Lakeview?
New in town and have driven through (or stopped by) a few hoods now including Lincoln Park, Wicker Park, West Loop, Uptown, South Loop. I have also physically lived in Lakeview, Logan Sq, River North for at least a week each. I was dead set on Lakeview due to it's density, walkability and proximity to trendy coffee shops, cocktail bars, variety of restaurants, groceries, gym, lake, and car-free style.
However, if you look at the section between WickerPark <> WestTown here https://imgur.com/a/R5sdQDN, that area has really caught my eye. Tons of shops, I mean tons. But obviously tons of shops isn't everything.
What would Lakeview have over Wicker Park, besides beach access? What will I be missing if I were to choose Wicker over Lakeview considering my priorities up above? Considering a man, single, late 30s, can afford up to $2800 rent. Thanks!!