How does the devil actually tempt us?
I mean it in a literal sense.
I always read stuff like "Satan uses the pride of life by tempting you to destroy yourself through sin. He tells you that you can handle anything and wants you to believe that you are much better than you actually are, and that you don't need anything other than yourself."
ChatGPT said Satan creates situations that tempt us.
But how does he actually do it? Does he whisper in our ear in a literal sense? Can he enter our thoughts? Can he physically move things? Does he talk through people or is he physically present disguised as someone else like with Adam and Eve.
I really don't understand it and I'm confused because when I asked ChatGPT all those questions, it just answered "No, he doesn't do any of those things but creates scenarios that tempt us" which is a circular argument.
Maybe someone can help.