What if; war in Bosnia?

Hello. So in Bosnia there is the yearly talk about a new war. Don't know if more serious than other years, but it gets more attention now anyways.

But what if war would break out, or one side tries to do somethin, what would happen? I mean in regards to EUFOR and NATO. We all know that the interventions in the 90s from the outside was ineffective to say the least, so surely this time EU and NATO would take everything more serious?

Plus there is and has been a presence with EUFOR, so they would already be there if anything happens. So what are their mandates and roles specifically there? I tried to look it up but couldn't find anything.

Also, for Dodik I don't take him as a war hero type of guy if you know what I mean. He's the typical power hungry, money grabbing politician. If war were to happen because of him, he would be taken out of all his powers (probably, hopefully) and go the route of Milošević and other, ie Hague etc. Which makes me think he doesn't really want a war, even if he would become a martyr or whatever. I don't see him willing to go to Hague and jail and whatever to become a martyr, imo he would rather have the power and money and just try to continue like he has until now.

What's your guys opinions? What do you think will happen? And if someone is learned in NATO and EUFOR in Bosnia I would be grateful for the info. Thanks!