Why am I always crying uncontrollably?

My whole entire life, whenever I get even the slightest bit frustrated, angry, upset etc, even during the slightest little happy things sometimes I will cry. It’s been embarrassing for me my entire life because it’s just such a natural reaction for me, and i will just break out into tears literally wherever i am. I’m almost 29, approaching my first Saturn return in a night chart. I literally don’t have any water in my chart, except for my Lilith being in cancer, in my 8th house which to me right now makes the most sense as to why this could be. My aqua moon also I feel limits me to process emotions so when they come up it’s just an explosion. Are there any aspects that you see in my chart that I may be overlooking that really jump out to you? Thanks 🥲

My whole entire life, whenever I get even the slightest bit frustrated, angry, upset etc, even during the slightest little happy things sometimes I will cry. It’s been embarrassing for me my entire life because it’s just such a natural reaction for me, and i will just break out into tears literally wherever i am. I’m almost 29, approaching my first Saturn return in a night chart. I literally don’t have any water in my chart, except for my Lilith being in cancer, in my 8th house which to me right now makes the most sense as to why this could be. My aqua moon also I feel limits me to process emotions so when they come up it’s just an explosion. Are there any aspects that you see in my chart that I may be overlooking that really jump out to you? Thanks 🥲