How to combine European Prehistory and Medieval studies?
Hey everyone,
I am a second-year bachelor student, studying archaeology in a three year bachelors programme. I am looking for masters degrees I could apply to at the moment. I know it is early, but I want to know what I am up against and what to expect. My grades and academic achievements allow me to also look at high-ranking universities, but I am not married to the idea of going there just for the name and brand.
I have a big interest in European Prehistory, specifically the Mesolithi, Neolithic, Late Brintw Age and Iron Age, more specifically the Hallstatt period. This was the case for most of my studies, but I recently worked closely with a professor who specialises in Byzantine Archaeology. I accompanied her on a dig and she asked me to co-author an article on the topic with her. My interest in the time grows more and more and I would love to know and study it more.
Now my dilemma: How do I possibly combine the two? I would not want to only ever pursue higher knowledge in one topic, so I‘m looking to take courses on both, even if I would end up with only one specialisation. I care more about the knowledge than what my actual degree/tirle/specialisation officially is afterwards.
Does anyone have tips on how to achieve this or knows good unis to go to where I can do this?