Is the working holiday visa still worth doing?

Hi guys, I’m from Italy (but not indigenous; I was born and raised here, though my family is originally from elsewhere, so I'm not white, although I am white-passing except for my name). I’ve always wanted to have an experience in Australia because I’ve always been interested in it (I even wrote my middle school thesis about your country, lol, to give you an idea of how serious I am). However, I’m reading that the situation might not be so great at the moment. There seems to be a lot of resentment toward immigrants, and perhaps the job market isn’t at its best

That said, I’m not really looking to immigrate; I’m just interested in doing a working holiday visa, bringing some funds with me but also trying to make some money while I’m there and traveling around the country. And if I manage to save a bit, even better—maybe for a year, or maybe just six months, or perhaps use the maximum time allowed on the visa—who knows?

What do you think my chances are as a 25-year-old who speaks English well, with Italian as my first language, plus a bit of Spanish and Arabic? I haven’t graduated yet, so I’m not aiming for highly qualified jobs. Although I work in IT, I wonder if I could find something at a junior level. But I doubt it, since I won’t stay long-term, and a potential employer might not want to consider me. That said, I was thinking about the agricultural sector, farms, or working in tourism and hospitality—maybe in a hotel or something like that