Friend got his drink spiked and nothing was done about it. Is this normal?

To be clear friend is Australian and so am I, and this happened in Melbourne. The story goes, he was out with a mate at a bar and some girls started flirting with them. They rejected the girls. Later, friend is alerted by the barmaid that those girls just spiked both their drinks (which they'd been drinking out of). Friends mate had drunk the whole drink so was fucked and his wife had to come and get him. Luckily my friend only drank some of it but is still feeling the effects. He made it home alright thank fully but I find it ridiculous that those girls were caught doing this and weren't kicked out of the bar - surely that's standard procedure right? At the very least? Personally I think that behaviour warrants calling the cops. My friend thinks it's coz he's a guy that it wasn't taken seriously - could that be it?