Are there any Western media outlets that you believe currently give an even slightly balanced view on ANY topics involving Russia?
After just skipping past the eighth hundredth article about the "Russian economy collapsing", it occurred to me that particularly since 2022 I have not been able to take any media seriously when it comes to Russian topics. I'm not even weighing in on my own politics or my position on "the incident" here, what I'm saying is that international relations have become so fraught that the media in the West now has an anti-Russian bias that is so overt it borders on the cartoonish, no matter what the subject is. Even something as non-political as amateur boxing, which I am a fan of, because the primary organisation is the IBA and it currently has a Russian President, Western coverage of anything involving them is a joke, everything they do is supposedly corrupt and unethical.
Whenever I want to learn about a topic, I try to go to a bunch of different outlets across the political spectrum in an attempt to cut through the bias, but when it comes to anything involving Russia it doesn't seem to matter whether the outlet is left-wing or right-wing, they will both put a negative spin on it. Usually you can't even get past the headline without them making their contempt clear.
So I was wondering, are there any Western media outlets that Russians themselves believe haven't completely given up on journalistic impartiality? They don't have to be positive, just not relentlessly negative, because very few things are that conveniently black and white.