Do you believe that Liberal states paying more than they get back in federal taxes whereas Conservative states get more is a problem that needs to be solved? If so, how would you solve it?
One complaint I see semi frequently from liberals is that liberal states subsidize conservative ones because they pay more in federal taxes than they get back whereas conservative states get more than they pay in tax, and that is something that we need to solve. It is definitely true that wealthier states, that are more liberal, pay more into federal taxes than they receive in direct spending in their state and citizens, and that poorer states that vote republican are the opposite. With a couple notable exceptions, the map of net federal funds does not look too different from a election map. But is this really a problem that needs to be addressed? And if so how? Going to different tax rates by state or capping the amount of entitlement funding to a state based on its tax contributions would be massively regressive. And you are not going to get close to evening it out by spreading around discretionary funds more.