Little rant for ppl just getting into art

To any new artists out there. Sometimes practicing will suck and be boring and if people say "well you wont improve if you don't have fun practicing" they are lying, you will improve and sometimes as an artist you just have to realize that if you want to get better at something you sometimes have to do hard things that make you want to quit in order to achieve that goal. Sure you're going to be told that what you're doing is wrong, over and over and over and over again but as long as you enjoy what you make after all the annoying practices and struggles then you shouldn't have to worry about how some people enjoy practicing and you don't and think that them enjoying it means you're doing something wrong, in order to get good at anything you need to apply pressure in places that you wont like. Art is like exercising you hate it at first because its hard but once that improvement starts to show, you start enjoying it. People may call your art trash or garbage or shit millions of times before you get that 1 good comment but sometimes that 1 good comment is all you need to keep going.