Purity Culture is hurting the artist community

I know I'll probably get a lot of hate for this but it's something that really need to be talked about. Recently I've come across lots of artist getting shamed for drawing characters in skimpy outfits or even just a outfit that shows skin. I fully understand if it's a minor then yes it's gross, but people need to understand drawing a GROWN adult in a skimpy or showy outfit isn't really wrong no matter how much you want to shame it. Grown adults in real life wear mini skirts and crop tops, it's honestly very normal for our time period but for some reason in the artist community it's a sin to show a characters ankles. There's a particular artist I followed that unfortunately her accounts got completely shadow banned and one of the accounts she completely can't access it since people reported it to a point it got taken down, she is a NSFW artists but she's never drawn anything problematic, all her characters are 18+ and as far as I've followed her I haven't seen her do anything controversial but people with be rude or even said death threats over a drawing of a girl posing provocatively. And using the excuse "well minors can see the art and its inappropriate" Yes that's true but we can't stop that, an artist can't go one by one asking everyone for their ID or making your profile private and only allowing certain people really damages growth for artists, growing as an artist is already hard so making profiles private just makes it more difficult. Plus their is plenty of minors who lie about their age online, on Instagram you can literally just put a different year of birth, and you are fine, this isn't the artists fault so please don't blame artists for minors interacting. What I'm trying to get at is there's really nothing wrong with 18+ art as long as characters aren't minors, so please stop being rude to artists that draw these things if they bother you so much block them but don't report them because you don't like NSFW things. Everyone is entitled to draw what they want If it's genuinely bad then of course report it, but if it's a GROWN ADULT character being drawn sexually let it be.

Disclaimer: please know obviously drawing real life people sexualized is bad (unless stated they okay with it) and yes sexualizing religion is bad and yes sexualizing lolis is also weird. None of these things are what I'm talking about, I'm talking about just a normal adult characters!

Edit: From posting this I already got messages shaming me and threatening me. Apologies if I offended anyone I just wanted to see others opinions on this.