What is this obsession with good looks that men have?

Before you say it, yes, not all men.

But here's the thing. Most men in AM I've met are only looking for pretty girls. Now I'm not saying you shouldn't care about looks, everyone has preferences and you need to find your partner attractive. What I can't get behind is why men don't seem to care about anything beyond it. They don't care to get to know the girl or develop an sense of understanding for each other once they find you attractive. What is this logic? Like will you only stare at your wife and not talk? Do people's personalities and needs and wants not matter to men? Then they cry that the woman they married ruined their life. Coz bhaisaab, you didn't even think from your brain before marrying. So frustrated with being treated like some prize or object.

Edit 1: from the number of comments saying even girls want tall guys. I guess people either don't read or understand. I am not asking men to go for not so good looking girls. I'm asking men to actually get to know a person after they like how they look. But that's too much to ask i guess.

Edit 2: From most of the comments, I've gathered that the only explanation men have got to this is, "but women are also....", "People can have preferences", without actually adressing the actual topic. There's very few logical reasoning or explanations that don't involve pointing at women or calling me ugly. For the ones with sane comments, thank you for your time. And for the others, enjoy your lives.