My in-laws are stingy af
They stayed at our house for 2 months and didn't contribute a single paisa. Maybe once or twice for vegetables but mostly whenever we needed ration, FIL would ask me to "give him a company" and he'd always vanish whenever it came to pay.
Whenever we go out and take Uber, at the end of the trip, FIL and MIL would jump out of their seat and would stand 30-40 metres away from the car, waiting for me to pay. Can't ask my wife to pay, because she's earning very less and I'm earning disproportionately higher.
Whenever we eat out, I pay. FIL paid once or twice.
MIL bought herself very expensive Kanjivaram sarees and was boasting about it, but not a single thing for either my wife or me.(Wait did I say they are stingy, hmm)
During marriage my wife was showered with gifts and gold from my parents and she got so many clothes and jewellery (at least 7 different family) from my family members (not my parents) .My wife's side of family didn't give me a single chindi. Oh wait, my "parents" in laws gave us a suitcase with 1 piece of shirt and pant for me.
All this while they kept harping about how much of a "bada aadmi" (well off) they are 😒. My wife obviously understands it, but she's stuck between me being resentful and her parents being extremely selfish.