
Can someone please make an Insurgency mod? In the same style as it was in BF2: Project Reality.

Blufor: US/NATO, good modern weapons, vehicles, air support, tanks etc. No targets on map. No capture points. Only a main base, and the knowledge that ~10 enemy weapon caches exist somewhere on the huge map. Strategically spreads out looking for intel, e.g. through "civilians", maybe AI? Intel reveals an approximate location for a weapon cache. More intel gives better approximations. Search area, destroy weapon cache. Also build strategical bases and defend them. Win condition: destroy all 10 caches. Lose condition: Main base runs out of resources. Gain some resources whenever a cache is destroyed.

Opfor: Insurgents/Taliban, "poor" weapons, bad scopes, no heavy vehicles, but loads of explosives, and literally unlimited resources. Motor bikes and technicals. A lot of rpg's and IEDs. No strategy or tactic required, just unhinged fun. Their objective is to prevent Blufor from finding and destroying caches. Either by baiting/tricking them, defending caches, charging at them with allahu ackbar, or just rooftop RPG. Can spawn and rearm at weapons caches.

Only two weapons caches exist at any time. When one is destroyed, another is immediately revealed to Opfor as a spawn point (but they must be careful not to reveal it's location), Blufor must get new intel.

This game mode is so much fun. And each side has its own element of fun. BLUFOR is pure strategy and tactics, while OPFOR is completely deranged and screaming at the enemy. Plays best on huge city maps.