Did Ariana force her way into wicked?

In fairness, she's been talking about wicked and her love for it and how much she wants to be apart of it, for her entire career

BUT, she wanted to be Elphaba, (her interview in the zach show she said she would love to play her)

That requires a lot more range then Glinda, and she doesn't have the acting skills for it, so Glinda was a safer choice

She claimed she auditioned like everyone else, and she would of been okay if it went to someone... but is that true? Or did she use her power to make sure she was apart of it?

Because let's be fr, it would of been extremely embarrassing for her if she kept going on and on about this musical, just for her to not get a single part. Like there was definitely strings pulled to get her there. I Don't believe for a second she would of been okay if she didn't get the role lmao