New Player - 9 Days In
So after playing for 9 days, I'm definitely into the game. I am not a Tarkov player and got my "extraction shooter" bug from DMZ in COD. I did download Tarkov, but for some reason, never went past the tutorial, seemed too complicated.
I'm seeing a lot of post about this game is dead, etc., etc. Maybe it is, but I'm having fun. I run solo 99.9% of the time. I'm not the best at PVP, but do have a 2.0+ KDR in COD (not that that means anything). I avoid battles but I'm better at long range PVP than up close.
I just take my time and had been working on missions as that was my favorite thing from DMZ. I'm out of missions now except one last one in the Armory and TV station. Did manage a solo TV station run and extract with 400K loot, but obviously got lucky.
I'm here just to say I'm having fun. Would be nice to squad up and have support, but the two times I've tried squads, it all goes to shit. LoL
This is not going to be a popular opinion, but its the same one I had when playing COD, I'd be down for a PVE only mode. Don't down vote me, haha, I know its a shite opinion.