Advices on Beginning of a career


I’m just about to graduate from BFA in architectural design in NYC. I’ve actually taken a gap year and worked full time earning a decent salary (70k+ with OT ofc). Although because I have a pre-professional degree, I will not be able to move up the ladder and not have any promotions. I was planning to work for a few years to pay off my student loans and then go back to grad school (and take on more loans). Would prefer to stay in NYC considering that my whole life and partner is here.

Although I read on NCARB that I don’t need to go get a masters to be able to become licensed. So that’s a route I’m debating going.

Would you guys recommend based on your experience with loans that it might be worth it to go to grad school eventually?

There’s also an inkling in my mind of switching to a related degree that pays more in the long term like UX design or even working for Meta as a 3D artist.

I would prefer to be debt free by 35 and have a savings enough to start a family in the city. Quite frankly, I feel very lost. Don’t know what would be the route that works best financially. I’ll happily take any advices on how to navigate these next few formative years at the beginning of my career (whether architecture or somewhere else). Thanks for reading!