Advice on a very interesting tank??
Hello! i’m new here! i have owned fish my whole life, however i’m starting to actually learn and put time into my fish now that i’m older and i know that pet store care is frequently wrong.
i set up a tank a few months ago, and i should preface, i did it completely wrong. all wrong.
in hindsight, i would do it all differently.
this tank is a tank for two betta fish, female and male. (i know, i’m working on seperating them, the female will get her own tank. ). at the time i had no idea it wasn’t a good idea to house them together.
it is a 10 gallon, with live plants and some fake plants because i wanted to allow the fish plenty of room to hide. i did not cycle this tank at all because at the time, honestly i had no idea that was a thing. by the time i learned that was bad, i was already a month in.
i had water tests run, they came back perfect. the fish seem to have no issues together but they keep their distance most of the time.
today i’ve looked at my tank under some good lighting while feeding the bettas, and there is an incredible amount of life in this tank.
there are bladder snails, (which were expected from the plants i bought) a thriving community of brine shrimp that the bettas seem to be eating, floating plants and i even caught quick glimpses of some crazy small white shrimp swimming too. the betta have had extreme bursts in color since the day i got them and they are extremely active.
my question is, 1. how the hell did this happen. how did i get so lucky with my ignorance??? and most importantly 2. how can i do better for this tank and maintain this amazing ecosystem!! i’m afraid to clean this tank too extensively as it seems very clean on it’s own.
THANK YOU ALL IN ADVANCE!! + a picture of snails because they are cute :)
Hello! i’m new here! i have owned fish my whole life, however i’m starting to actually learn and put time into my fish now that i’m older and i know that pet store care is frequently wrong.
i set up a tank a few months ago, and i should preface, i did it completely wrong. all wrong.
in hindsight, i would do it all differently.
this tank is a tank for two betta fish, female and male. (i know, i’m working on seperating them, the female will get her own tank. ). at the time i had no idea it wasn’t a good idea to house them together.
it is a 10 gallon, with live plants and some fake plants because i wanted to allow the fish plenty of room to hide. i did not cycle this tank at all because at the time, honestly i had no idea that was a thing. by the time i learned that was bad, i was already a month in.
i had water tests run, they came back perfect. the fish seem to have no issues together but they keep their distance most of the time.
today i’ve looked at my tank under some good lighting while feeding the bettas, and there is an incredible amount of life in this tank.
there are bladder snails, (which were expected from the plants i bought) a thriving community of brine shrimp that the bettas seem to be eating, floating plants and i even caught quick glimpses of some crazy small white shrimp swimming too. the betta have had extreme bursts in color since the day i got them and they are extremely active.
my question is, 1. how the hell did this happen. how did i get so lucky with my ignorance??? and most importantly 2. how can i do better for this tank and maintain this amazing ecosystem!! i’m afraid to clean this tank too extensively as it seems very clean on it’s own.
THANK YOU ALL IN ADVANCE!! + a picture of snails because they are cute :)