Stocking & General Advice?

Hello Everyone! I'm just here asking for advice on what to stock my tank with and any general advice you may have. This is my first-ever fish tank, and there's a lot of conflicting information out there. Pretty much everything in this tank is second-hand as the original owner couldn't keep with the care.

My tank is a Superfish home80 (length - 61.5cm Width - 31cm Height - 55.8cm), with an AquaFlow 300 Filter. There's a mixture of live and plastic plants.

Currently, there's one panda corydora and one bristlenose pleco in there. I know I need to get more panda corydoras, but how many more would you recommend and what other fish could I get? I like Bolivian Rams, but I'm not sure if they'll work in my tank.

Any advice or recommendation would be amazing!