Are ramshorn snails murdering my guppies in the night?

I have a tank in my office that has been established for months with just ramshorn snails and a betta in it. Had no issues for months. I moved the beta to a different tank and decided I wanted to bread some pretty guppies. I have kept tanks for over a decade now. I have now had several (5 guppies) die over the past week and I cant figure it out for the life of me. This morning I saw one guppy with a bite out of him ( see photos) and the only fish in this tank are male and female guppies (2 females to every male) and rams horn snails. Do I have murderous snails? Is the breeding too intense? Parameters seem fine ( check photos) the fish seem fine then at some point in the night they die or get murdered and I just dont get it. Its never during the day. I don’t see them being overly aggressive. I tested for high ammonia it isn’t that. Please help 🙏