How this hobby is going to end…?
I just want to share my aquarium story because I love this community and the hobby so much 🤎🐟🐠
Hi, I am new to the aquarium hobby (but I used to have many ponds with guppies and mollies back in Thailand before I moved to Switzerland). 4 months ago, I started my first aquarium here, which is 80cm long (112 litre / 29gallon) with few neon and green tetras, 5 red cherry shrimp and 5 ramshorn snails (which now invade my tanks) and later on with 3 hillstream loach and my husband bought 6 more of mollies (which now breed once a month).
But then one day, my tetras appeared ich infection out of nowhere, so I treated them and later decided to make another Amazon / South American biotope tank(also 29gallons) for them with blackwater, so vary of benefits from tannins (and it worked!).
Then…two weeks later(end of March), I decided to go for the third tank same size, which is now an Asian to southeast Asian river for my hillstream loaches and zebra danios and other few small Asian species.
So far, a new tank every month, and I’m not sure where it will end…😅. I love this hobby so much, as well as all my fish, and I think I will get another smaller tank for smaller species (Boraras and Dario Dario). 🤎 Happy fish, happy owner 🐠🐠🐠