Junior here! Asking for advice/comments about my application

Junior here! Asking for advice/comments about my application.
This is not a sh*tpost even thought the more I write, the more it feels like one. I am looking for where I should strengthen.

I would like to apply to the UCs and some privates. Those specifically include Stanford, JHU, and Brown. Casewestern as well...I'll figure out my list later
Particularly interested in BS/MD.

Interested Major: Nutrition, Public Health...something of this sector and dependent on which school I am applying to. This can also vary.


  • 4.0 UW, 4.8 W, ~4.5 cumulative of all years (my school doesn't allow freshmen to take honors/APs)
  • 1500, planning to take again in June. National Merit.
  • No school rank, we don't do it
  • Will have taken 5 AP tests by app time. Scores TBA. - chem, bio, ush, etc.


  • Job: I work hybrid/part-time at one of the HYPSM schools for a program highly related to my major interest/career interest. (I have the same questions as you).
  • World-class FRC robotics team - I also have a lead position on the team.
  • Science Olympiad (1st in Region)- *very* likely Senior Year captain or co-cap. And I medal sometimes.
  • High school Red Cross and UNICEF Club co-president
  • Laboratory External Specialist (that's literally what the lab records call me...I'm just as lost. I am good at what I do).
  • Hospital Intern (marginalized communities)
  • Dual enrolled in community college (biology and calculus)
  • Hella volunteering
  • Former athlete and captain (I had to drop my sport for academics)
  • Former Student Council President + Award (2 recognized in the school)
  • Former musician (performed the national anthem with my orch at an NBA game I don’t know if that's relevant, our conductor/orchestra is nationally recognized or something)
  • Small Business CEO

Couple of medical summer program thingies at Stanford and Cal.

My essay writing skills are solid, I do well in interviews (was a big part in securing my current job). I think that's all I can think of. LOTRs are fine, one PhD. Great standing with teachers, but no matter in rating these because I won't know what they will write.

Thoughts? Advice to your former self? Please take this seriously, this is my first go at life (lol) and I've been following the recent acceptance cycle. I know it's rough.

Thank you all for your time and consideration for reading my post, I know it's valuable. Have a wonderful day.