Thoughts on Best States for Colleges?

  1. Massachusetts (free community college, Harvard, MIT, Williams, The Bostons, Tufts, 5-College Consortium, etc. really just unbeatable)
  2. California (arguably the best state university system + Stanford + Claremont Consortium)
  3. New York (CUNY + SUNY + Two Ivys + arguably the best job market you could ask for, especially for things like finance)
  4. DC (ik, not a state but they have discounted tuition for DC residents)
  5. North Carolina
  6. Pennsylvania
  7. Virginia
  8. Illinois
  9. Texas
  10. Michigan
  11. Indiana
  12. Georgia 
  13. Connecticut 
  14. Wisconsin
  15. Maryland 
  16. Ohio (my home state, we're alright w/ unis like Ohio State, Case, Dayton, Kenyon, Oberlin, Cleveland State, etc. good all rounder)
  17. Tennessee
  18. Florida
  19. Colorado
  20. Minnesota
  21. New Jersey
  22. Missouri
  23. Oregon
  24. Arizona (ASU seems quite versitile)
  25. New Hampshire
  26. Rhode Island (I'm conflicted on where to rank these smaller states, yes it has Brown but... what else?)
  27. Washington
  28. Louisiana 
  29. West Virginia (WVU is criminally underrated imo)
  30. Nebraska
  31. Delaware
  32. South Carolina
  33. Utah
  34. Kansas
  35. Vermont (I love UVM but we're in kind of a similar situation to Rhode Island and UVM ain't no Brown)
  36. Kentucky
  37. Maine
  38. Iowa
  39. Idaho
  40. South Dakota
  41. Montana
  42. Alabama 
  43. Arkansas
  44. Hawaii (Great place to live but academically?)
  45. New Mexico
  46. Oklahoma (It gets really tricky trying to rank/sort the worst states for colleges. Oklahoma has a nice career tech system tho)
  47. North Dakota
  48. Wyoming
  49. Mississippi
  50. Alaska