"as long as you're happy!" people pmo

i get the sentiment behind saying "all that matters is that you're happy" when someone announces where they're going to college, but so many people that say this are condescending af. one of my friends just committed to ohio state, and we were excitedly talking about it with another guy (a prestige whore who believes that not going t20 is the equivalent of basically not attending college at all) and he goes "ohio state? oh? well, as long as you're happy with that, that's all that matters!" in the most condescending annoying agitating grating voice possible. here is my friend, just trying to be excited about committing to a college and happily planning for her next 4 years only to be hated on by some nerd who can't see past prestige. also, she's a nursing major? osu is literally amazing for that?? but just because we're in-state and osu doesn't have the brand name of an ivy/t20, it's deemed substandard.

the same is true for many others in my class; two dudes in my calc AB are going to Iowa state for engineering and are practically getting paid to go there as their scholarship offers were amazing, and another has his heart set on mizzou since his whole family went there and always raves about their experiences. but as soon as people see "state school" they lose their shit over it and are flabbergasted as to why anyone would enjoy their time there. get off your moral high horse and just accept that prestige is not what makes a school good. it's personal preference.

and in the end, the only thing that's worth a crap is if you are actually happy. i see no reason why someone wouldn't be living their best life at a safety or state school in the honors college/scholars programs while there's people at ivies getting so depressed since they cant get into hypercompetitive clubs and research and are just another face in the crowd