email McGill or nah
Hi guys!!! I have been very interested in applying to McGill University but the application process has been confusing me. My understanding is that they only really care about academics and your GPA and I definitely am apt since I am the salutatorian of my class. I have a 4.0 average across grades 9, 10, 11 (I have heard that they don’t care about 9).
The only problem is that I don’t have any grades for senior year. My understanding is that US students normally submit quarter 1 grades but i received no marks for every course for quarter one due to medical leave. I did not report any extenuating circumstances because it technically did not cause a drop in my academic grades (yet). On my application, there is no sign that anything ever happened. but now I am wondering if I should let them know.
I could wait until the end of Jan to apply because then, I will have mid year grades (only will be my 2nd quarter grade). I am scared that end of Jan is too late to complete the courses and grades form since McGill is rolling.
My question is if I should email AO about this and update the extenuating circumstances and maybe getting exempt from reporting 12th grade grades? Or should I just wait until mid year to report and they will never know anything?
I haven’t told any US colleges anything about my medical leave because I’m not anticipating a drop in grades.