Is It Necessary to Include Transcripts For Places You Audited And Places You Only Took One Course At As A Visiting Student?
I took courses at a variety of different colleges partially to help me graduate from undergrad quicker and also out of personal interest. I briefly went to grad school for Library Science but then had to drop out for mental health reasons. Afterwards, I started taking undergrad courses again to keep my mind sharp while recovering and to get an industry-related diploma. I also work at multiple colleges, so I kind of get motivated by the culture to push myself academically.
Because I was never very discerning in where I took courses (even when I was a FT undergrad student), I now have college credit at 7 different institutions currently. However, I only took one 3-credit class at three of them. In all of those circumstances where I only took one course, I was considered a transient or visiting student--not a program student. One of them was fully just personal enrichment, I never even transferred it anywhere.
In the future as I apply to different colleges, is it ok if I don't include the places where I just took one class?
I'm also auditing a travel class out of personal interest at one of the colleges I work for that I've never taken a credit class at, can I skip out at listing that at least?
I am asking because I want to take an undergrad online research methods course at one institution to make me feel more comfortable with pursuing grad school in History which is my real passion. Then I want to start grad school in History at a online Masters program that a different institution runs. I might also want to take one or two in-person graduate-level History courses as well to transfer into the online grad program if allowed, which would be with at least one other institution. All three of these would be places that I've never taken courses at before, so I would be up to 10 in total without including the one I audited at after all is said and done.
I get needing to pull the 4 institutions where I actually was pursuing a program (1 associates, 1 bachelors, an industry diploma, and the grad program I dropped out of), but the other ones seem like overkill for me. Currently, I need to pay $53.65 in transcript fees each time to be able to send all my transcripts. It makes me wonder how people like Benjamin Bolger aren't bankrupt.