Apartment complex not clear with rules? Or people just not caring about rules.
I’m honestly very annoyed. For a long time I’ve been reaching out to the landlord asking if I can get another cat. They said potentially they were changing the policy but then say “one pet” However since living here almost 4 years I’ve met many neighbors with two dogs or a dog and a cat and now new people just moved into my complex with 2 medium sized dogs…
I wanted to ask but I don’t want them to think I would tell on them but honestly I don’t think landlords can just give special rules for certain units right?
I’m just annoyed. Should I just get another cat? I feel like nobody cares about the rules and never had issues but my unit is the same size as theirs but for some reason I’m told no.
Reaching out to the landlord in the past I wanted them to clarify and they told me “one pet”
This person I met before also has lived in this unit the same time as me and had no issues with their two dogs. I feel like this is unfair unless everyone is just not disclosing their pets to the landlord.