Neighbors stink seeping into my apt

This is so gross and I'm not sure what to do about it. Suggestions needed!

I live upstairs in an 8 unit building, one unit directly below mine and one unit next to mine. The unit next to me is a mirror image so we share the kitchen wall, hall closet wall, bathroom wall and bedroom closet wall.

Next doors apt reeks of cat piss. It's seeping into my apt, especially in the bathroom. It's potent in the main hallway outside their door.

I'm friendly with the neighbor so should I tell her how bad her apt stinks or just go to management? She has 2 kids, 3yr old and 9yr old. If the HALLWAY makes my eyes burn I can only imagine the inside of her apt is volatile. Should I involve CPS? I've been in her apt a handful of times but not lately, it was grimey/hoarder-ish back then but this is a new extreme.

I have to do SOMETHING because I refuse to have to smell cat piss in my home/have my belongings stink, I just don't know what approach to take.

Update: I spoke to neighbor on phone. She's aware her apt is disgusting, her cats pee everywhere, says she can't clean bc there too much stuff in her apt and she's been spraying the carpet with vinegar. She said she got a written warning/lease violation about the state of her apt but claims it's bc of toys on the floor and thinks management is overreacting.

I didn't want to put this woman on full blast in my original post but here we go. I have been in her apt, it's gross. Like stick to the floor, don't touch anything, don't sit down gross. She's been in mine and I had to Lysol my furniture after she left bc of body odor sink. I gave her a ride to home depot once, she turned on the heated seat and I had to buy odorban to clean the seat.

She hasn't always been like this, when she first moved in her apt was very full and cluttered bc she moved a whole house into a 2 bdrm apt but there wasn't filth. She has said she has terrible anxiety and is overwhelmed etc which I totally understand BUT her sister lives with her and both of their significant others are always there. So 4 adults and no one can clean. I offered to help find resources to help her and she said she can't even make a phone call. She's frozen but no one who lives there helps her. It sucks. I can't offer much help bc I'm too busy holding down my own life.

I'm sympathetic to her situation but also just pissed off bc it's affecting my life now. I'm not going to do anything more since management is already aware unless it gets worse.