I don't know how...
To do anything right now. I'm signed off of work for two weeks due to my anxiety. This has never happened before. I'm 47, my role is being dissolved and I may be transitioning to a new team. But this has killed my confidence and my anxiety is so bad right now that I can't focus on anything. I already take anxiety medication and have done for the last 8 years. But I feel like I'm shaking inside 24/7. To add to that, I feel like I should be being productive in the house, cleaning sorting that kind of thing but I can't bring myself to do it. My house isn't dirty, I tidy as I can, but I just feel like I should be doing something. My husband is trying to be supportive, the kids are being great, I just can't do anything without feeling overwhelmed. I don't want to stay in bed all day. I've just started reading a great book, but feel guilty for doing that while my husband is out doing the laundry(my washing machine broke) I cooked dinner last night for everyone and cleaned up after, but it doesn't feel like enough. How do I take care of myself without feeling guilt for not being productive?