Home alone for 2 weeks

Technically not home alone i do have my roommate and dogs but my roommate works most of the day so a good chunk i will be alone. I still live with my mom who is going on a trip for 2 weeks and without her i will have to try and keep myself calm. I have this terrible fear of medical emergencies or passing out, logically i know im a grown adult and eventually i will move out and have to deal with this anyway but the anticipatory anxiety is ruining me right now and i need all the advice i can get. I have no car or license so i will have to rely on other people, i dont have friends or family that can stay with me while my roommate is at work and my roommate doesnt have a number so if i needed her i cant even get ahold of her. What can i do to keep myself from panicking? I dont want to have a panic attack and think im dying like ive done plenty times before 🙃 i dont think laying in bed all day scared is a good idea either. I feel so useless and childish:/