will this ever go away weed induced anxiety
im 16yo male i never ever had any anxiety or panic or depression i didnt even know what it felt like before i got high and now its everyday i got a cart from my friend and i think i took to much it was my first time doing it and i took 1 hit nothing happened 2 nothing on the 3rd hit it all hit me at once i couldnt pee i had muscle spasms and dpdr feeling i woke up the next morning fine and did it again that night because i thought huh i took to much ill do it again and take 1 hit and relax nope same thing happened again following that whole week was fine then 1 week after i did it i got hit with the same effect i got while i was high the anxiety and the dpdr i feel lately as i stopped fearing feeling the dpdr and anxiety i stopped feeling as bad its been 2 months and still have some bad episodes mainly at night or before bed during the day i sometimes feel bad but not usally will it go away almost feels like ptsd or it triggered my brain to have anxiety and i just need to know will it go away if i chill for another month or 2 or do i tell my parents and go get help and if i do tell my parents is it reversible or am i stuck like this cause if im stuck like this im just gonna stop looking for the cure and not tell anyone and just try to live its been the worst 2 months of my life