Can these CRAZY symptoms be anxiety?!?

Hi lovely people! I'm losing my mind here and just wondering if anybody shares these crazy symptoms with me?

I have had anxiety on and off all my life, it has manifestes as panic attacks, agoraphobia, health anxiety and my latest is the weirdest physical symptoms (if indeed this is all anxiety?).

My body feels very stiff, I feel off balance and as if I have lost the ability to walk. If I have to stand still I get brain surges. I feel as if I have a balloon inside me that is being blown up. I get burning hot flushes/cold flushes, sweating in weird places. I feel as if all the nerves in my body are raw, like an electric feeling, tingling, pins and needles, shortness of breath, tachycardia...I could go on and on. It's honestly awful, but due to a very severe reaction I had to a medication some years ago, I don't want to take anything.

Every minute of every day is pure hell and I'm weighing up whether to quit my job because I can't manage, but I don't seem to be much better when at home chillin.

Anyone else such severe relentless physical symptoms?