My experience with Tizanidine – Side Effects

I wasn't prescribed Tizanidine for anxiety, I was prescribed for muscle spasms for stomach cramps. Still, having just completed my final dosage of Diazepam, I am definitely someone who has been prescribed long-term for anxiety.

To cut to the chase, tizanidine has been one of the worst medication experiences I've had for anxiety or otherwise. Feeling drunk and literally unbalanced during the day, slurred speech, incoherent thoughts and speech, delirium and borderline psychosis; and, most importantly, severe anxiety, irritability, and rage. I can't go more than a few hours without taking it and feeling like I want to hurt someone, or myself. Thankfully, I've been doing it only as needed, so I have plenty left to slowly ween myself off in a way that won't make me have a severe episode. Seriously, this shit is not a game. If you are prescribed this medicine for any reason, anxiety or otherwise, please consult with your doctor about slowly titrating up to see what your reaction to this medicine is. I'm not an MD so I'm not giving medical advice, but I also know there's no harm to taking things slow.

Thanks and be well.